Zac Lippiett - First Year

The amount a baby changes in the first year is crazy and getting to be a part of that journey will always be so special to me. This one in particular means a lot to me for quite a few reasons, but the biggest one is family.

I was in the Army with Gavin way back when, we were room mates, drinking partners, been through plenty of stupid stuff, most of which was self inflicted (MAN TEST), and we became the family you choose. I had the honour of shooting his wedding photo's in Rhodes to the beautiful Carla, I've become honorary uncle to their first born Ollie, and now I got to document the first year of Zac's life!

His laugh is infectious, he's pretty much always happy, and is adorable through and through! Enjoy Zac's first year film! xx

P.S. Love you guys! Thank you for having me, helping me through stuff, and just been awesome! xxxx